So as I was sitting in my bed cramming a Little Debbie in my mouth, I thought for a second, "Life is good." This comes as a surprise for me though. I have a lot of reasons to be negative right about now, but for some reason, things are looking up.
What makes it this way? Maybe I just have "senioritis" and I am fine with just getting by for this last little bit of student teaching. My unit started this week. I have a job interview on Thursday and for some reason I just feel "easy." I am not worried, nor am I nervous. I just feel really peaceful. This makes me concerned deep down because I feel like this is when most people lose it. They lose that fire for doing what they love to do. All I have on my mind is getting inside of a classroom and changing the lives of my students. While I should be wound up and stressed, I do feel that I have mastered some tips for being easy going, so I will share them with you.
1. Sing. A lot. Every day on the way to school I sing as loud as I can to the songs that come on the radio. If someone else was in the car, they would be sure to jump out. Whether it is country, some crazy beats by Dre, or some easy listening on the Zew, let it out, man. You are your own audience. Don't be afraid to take a stage dive.
2. Appreciate the small things. Whether it is someone who smiled at you in passing or finding a penny on the ground, consider it a good day. You've won the smallest battles of the day, and it only gets better from there. It takes legos to build and awesome castle, so use those small things to create something larger and more positive.
3. Call a friend. Don't text them. CALL them. It is slightly more personable and it gives a chance for real conversion without hiding behind the confines of words on a screen. The voice can show the most affection for someone, so be sure not to abuse that with sarcasm or doubt. I know there are two people I talk to on the phone just about everyday and they are two of my closest friends. I love their conversations the most.
4. Eat Little Debbies. I am not telling you to eat little people named Debbie, but however find your favorite, a zebra cake, fudge round, star crunch, or swiss roll and eat the ever living icing out of it. Sometimes the best comfort comes from these small little pieces of heaven. One thing is for sure, if little Debbie ever grew up to be a beautiful woman, I would marry her for her goodies.
5. Get sleep. Robin Williams said one time, "Only in their dreams can men be truly free. Twas always thus and always thus will be." That is the only true time where your mind is at ease. Go to bed at 9 every now and then. You'll feel that much better in the morning. Be free in your sleep. Go places you've never been to. Relive old memories and create visions of what you want in the future. Own the time that belongs to you.
Sometimes I feel like I am writing a self help guide and wonder if everyone reading this just thinks I am full of what Joe Biden would say, "malarkey." I would say to them that this is sincere and I only hope to share it with you in hopes that you also will find a peace of mind, or at least crack a smile at one of the lame jokes I have made within this post. Either way, writing this piece felt good, and I hope you do too after reading.
Thanks for sharing! Keep on writing!